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Federal Workers Compensation Assistance

All United States Federal Employees (i.e. Postal Office, Bureau of Prisons, TSA, VA, IRS, etc…) are eligible to receive federal workers compensation benefits for any on-the-job-injuries via OWCP (Office of Workers Compensation Programs). They primarily administer disability compensation programs for medical treatment, lost wage replacement, vocational rehabilitation and other benefits for work-related injuries or occupational diseases.

However, the FECA (Federal Employee Compensation ACT) rules, regulations and protocol properly is usually very daunting for the vast majority of Injured Federal Employees. Most generally do not know what to file, how to file and when to file a claim properly. As such, finding and receiving appropriate medical care from an OWCP credentialed medical provider is a MUST.


Knowing their rights

Filing the correct type of claim properly (i.e. Traumatic Injury or Occupational Injury)

Receiving Lost Wage Compensation benefits

How to properly manage an “Accepted” claim to adhere and comply with OWCP rules and regulations (i.e. ensuring that OWCP is receiving appropriate medical data correctly and timely).

Determining if there are any merits for filing an appropriate appeal for a “Denied” claim. And if there are, how to file the appeal properly.

Our staff is very knowledgeable and experienced with resolving all of the pervasive challenges listed above and many more. With the extent of alleviating the stress, fear and anxiety of properly navigating through the FECA maze to achieve injury healing with the goal of increasing better health quality as well.